Dropbox – Update July 2023
Dropbox is a widely used file storage and file sharing package which is sometimes used for research collaboration on projects involving multiple universities. Many Queen Mary researchers use Dropbox in preference to OneDrive and SharePoint as a result.
Until now, there has been no oversight, governance, or visibility of the types of data/security of data stored on Dropbox and no accurate map of the current state of Dropbox use at Queen Mary, which raises cybersecurity concerns. To guard Queen Mary against cyber-attacks and protect data, the Information Security Team is implementing a strategic solution for Dropbox use at Queen Mary with proper account management and MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) to comply with Queen Mary cyber security standards.
Whilst it is anticipated that OneDrive and SharePoint should be used by the vast majority of staff, the team is establishing a clearly defined policy and approval process for Dropbox Use by Exception at Queen Mary. For more information around file storage and sharing at Queen Mary, please visit our governance policies page.
What will this mean for me and my teams?
If you use OneDrive and SharePoint, this change will not affect you.
If you are using Dropbox for Queen Mary business or research, we will be in touch to discuss next steps and to determine your eligibility for a licensed Queen Mary Dropbox account.
We have compiled some FAQs below. If your question is not addressed, contact your Faculty Relationship Manager (FRM)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What changes are Queen Mary making to Dropbox use?
A: To ensure a safe and cybersecure working environment for all at Queen Mary, IT Services are implementing a managed solution for Dropbox use at Queen Mary. This will bring individual user accounts together under one University account.
Q: How much will it cost me to obtain University Dropbox Licence?
A: Once the eligibility criteria are finalised, licences for eligible users will be issued upon approval at no personal cost to the user. However, users will be requested to share the appropriate budget codes before licences are issued.
Why are these changes being made?
A: We are implementing an enterprise version of Dropbox to ensure there is oversight, governance and compliance with security standards when using Dropbox – resulting in a safer and more consistent experience for Queen Mary Dropbox users.
Q: What are the terms of the Queen Mary Dropbox licences?
A: IT Services are initially purchasing 500 licences for a one-year subscription. Each enterprise licence will provide as much data as is required.
Q: What are the next steps for current Dropbox users?
A: Once the enterprise solution is in place, IT Services will contact current users of Dropbox to assess their use need and eligibility for a Queen Mary Dropbox licence. If users meet the eligibility criteria, we will transfer them to the enterprise account.
Q: How do I know if I will be approved for a Queen Mary licence?
A: Once we have procured the enterprise solution, IT Services will contact current Dropbox users directly (via email) with next steps.
Q: What do I do if I already have a school licence (SEF)?
IT Services will contact current users of Dropbox to assess their use need and eligibility for a Queen Mary Dropbox licence. If users meet the eligibility criteria, we will transfer them to the enterprise account in a phased approach.
Q: When will my account be transferred? How will my account and data be transferred to the enterprise licence?
We expect to conclude the purchase of the enterprise solution by July 2023, after which, eligible users will be migrated on to the enterprise solution in a phased approach. For users within the solution, data migration will be automated.
Q: Will there be any impact on my current account when it is transferred across?
A: We do not expect any disruption of service when users are transferred to the enterprise licence.
Q: What happens if I do not get approved? What do I do if I am not eligible but have a Dropbox account and data in it which I cannot afford to lose?
A: Current Dropbox users who do not qualify for a Dropbox licence will be supported to migrate Queen Mary data within their Dropbox account into existing secure and managed solutions such as SharePoint and One Drive.
Q: I have set up auto-renew for my existing Dropbox account – what should I do?
A: If you migrate to the Queen Mary enterprise solution, we advise that you ensure your auto-renewal is deactivated at the earliest opportunity to prevent duplicate payment. If you are migrated onto the enterprise licence, costs for the unused portion of your previous licence will be refunded back into the mode of initial payment.
Q: What happens when the personal Dropbox renewal automatically bills the card?
A: We advise users migrating to the enterprise solution to cancel their existing payments to prevent double billing.
Q: If I have already paid for a licence and need to get it expensed what do I do?
A: If you (or your Team), have paid for licences and are migrated onto the enterprise licence, the costs for the unused portion will be refunded back into your account automatically using the mode of initial payment.
Q: If I have paid for an account licence already which is not yet due to expire, will I get refunded in part if approved to join the business enterprise licence?
A: Yes – see above. If you (or your Team) have paid for licences which are not yet due to expire (and you are migrated onto the enterprise licence), the costs for the unused portion will be refunded back into your account automatically using the mode of initial payment.
Q: I want a Dropbox account but do not have one, what do I do now?
A We are finalising the approval process for new Dropbox accounts – we will update this page when we have more information.
Q: How long will it take for me to get an account?
A: Accounts will be issued as soon as possible upon approval.
Q: What happens if I try to set up a free account using my qmul email?
A: Once this solution is fully implemented, you will no longer be able to use your qmul email address to set up a Dropbox account except you have gone through a formal approval process. However, you are free to set up a Dropbox account using your personal email address on your personal device. Please note that Queen Mary’s data policy states in subsection 4.20 that institutional information must not be accessed or stored on personal (non-QMUL0 accounts with 3rd parties